Why Tweet…..?

* Do you know who Richard Branson is?
* Being such and Amazing entrepreneurial success, would you think his insights into business are worth paying attention to?
Sure, my questions are definitely leading. The thing is, I read an article by him today that I just HAD to share. I am constantly touting the benefits and necessity of social media in today’s business world and am surprised at both the lack of interest and desire to embrace this within most companies. Yes, some companies are interested and we work together developing some great Social Media strategies and have had great success. I just can’t understand why others feel there is no need for it.
I am not painting everything with a broad brush either. It’s not JUST older, established companies and/or owners who seem scared of this ‘new social media thing’, but it’s also younger start ups. Both often think it’s too much time to invest. Then, when presented with a solution that would eases their fears, start to wonder if it’s really worth it.
Yes – it is.
There is definitely a learning curve but, once began, it’s a great journey which allows companies to truly interact with their clients. In answer to your next question, yes, you do need to interact with your clients. Why? Because A) they want to both know that you are an expert in your field and have something to say about what you offer and B) they want to be heard. This is their forum and you certainly better be listening. Let’s face it. Clients will talk about you whether or not you’re listening. I thinks it’s better if you listen and are there for them. Engaging them. Let’s be honest. Business , as much as our social lives, is a relationship thing. The companies with the best relationships will best set to succeed.
I haven’t even touched on the internal effects of social media within the company itself.
Don’t believe me? Read this short article by Richard Branson.Pretty sure he get’s it. <https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20121019130632-204068115-why-aren-t-more-business-leaders-online>