Speed kills! Yes…. even with design.

In today’s world there seems to be a constant leaning toward getting things done VERY fast and having things done ‘yesterday’. You know, the old ‘early bird get’s the worm’ theory. Well, I have a much different angle on this and I think it could help many companies.
Speed kills when it comes to design and creativity. Sure, as a creative person I am very good at quick ideas and on the spot creativity. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that a true professional should be on top of their game at all times, however, this does not mean that the quick solution is always the best. In fact, this is quite often never the case. So why is it that so many companies require their website and graphic design work done asap?
A well thought out campaign and/or website becomes a treat and pleasure to it’s viewers. Better yet, time managed work limits the errors that can take place in the midst of work. When things are rushed the odds of errors are increased dramatically and the limitations put on creativity are as well. I personally find that designs (including sites, advertising and brand development) always improve in quality and delivery when not rushed. My best method for any design work is to create, walk away for awhile (often from an hour to 24 hours) and then re-examine. The fresh look at things gives a new perspective and results in better design that achieves it’s goals.
I think you get the point. Quick turn around design can sound good but do know that better may have only been one day away.
Throughout Social Media all over- there are HUGE errors that I imagine took place due to things needing to be done FAST! – Find any good ones and send them our way – we enjoy a good laugh now and then as well. 🙂