Don’t have a website??

What?? I am having a very hard time believing an article I just read. It stated that only 46% of small businesses in Canada had a dedicated website!
I’m in shock! To me, this is the equivalent of refusing to tell anyone about what you do and expecting people to come to you for business anyway. Not only that but making sure that clients do not tell anyone about you either.
I know that sounds extreme but I really do not think it is in the least bit. Stats do indicate that a majority of consumers use the internet to find information online rather than through any other means. Why else do you think “Google it” has become a household phrase? If anyone has questions or is looking for almost anything, outcomes the smartphone, tablet, laptop or they turn to their desktop and search. This is not a trend that’s going to go away. Every company needs a presence online and the best way to do this is by having a dedicated website. A site that is theirs, contains their information, their brand, their marketing so that people can find what they need and use them rather than their competition.
If you do not have a site your competitors are taking your clients. Every day you lose more ground to the other companies in your industry. I’m not even touching on the importance of SEO and social media here… let’s just get online as a start.
It may seem like a daunting task – I get that. The key is to approach design/development companies and talk to them. Find out what they know, who has used them, and check out their track record. Don’t just see what they’ve done and judge from there though. Talk to them about why they’ve created what they have in other projects. A great designer will have reasons and know-how behind their creations. Not just because it looked good. If it doesn’t achieve its purpose then it’s no good – period. Lastly, do not let the pricing fool you. In my experience, a $250 site vs. a $600 site vs. a $1500 site is an obvious difference. The first is quick and looks it. The second is also quick and looks a bit better but not that user-friendly and not big on growth. The final flows well, is easy to use, pleasant to view, and able to grow. It will also grow with your company rather than needing to be re-done as you grow. Basically thought out from the beginning.
Ultimately, find a company that you feel comfortable within the end. If you’re not online you need to get there and get there now and be there when your clients are looking for you.