We have updated our terms of service. You can find the update on our Terms of Service page and noted below.

5. Domain Name Registration and Ownership.

As part of the Company’s Domain and Hosting Package the Company agrees to register and/or renew the domain name which the Client uses for hosting within it services. The price for the registration or renewal of the domain name cannot exceed $15 plus applicable taxes in order to qualify for this hosting package. Company reserves the right to increase the cost of the Domain and Hosting Package by the additional amount required to register or renew the domain associated with the hosting package if the domain registration or renewal exceeds this amount. In addition to this the Client agrees to make the Company the appropriate contact for the renewal notices of the domain name associated with the hosting account so that the Company can renew the domain as required. Registration and/or renewal of the domain may be done through any registrar that the Client may wish to use or any registrar recommended or used by the Company. Upon making the Company the registered contact for your domain the Company agrees to facilitating payment for renewals and DOES NOT intend to be the registered owner of the lease for use of the domain name. All rights to the registered domain name are retained by the Client and, in the event of the Client wishing to move their hosing, the Company will relinquish all connections and/or rights to any thing relating to the registered domain name.